The Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) has today published a learning briefing in relation to Alex following an independent Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) being commissioned.
Firstly, the HSAB would like to acknowledge the family involvement in the review process, during an understandably distressing time for them. The HSAB would also like to acknowledge the work and time given by practitioners and frontline managers from all agencies who were actively involved in the review process.
Safeguarding concerns were raised by health staff and paid carers who felt that the delivery of consistently safe care to Alex was being adversely impacted by her parent. A wide range of agencies were engaged with Alex and her parent. However, the agencies involved continued to feel that it was unsafe for Alex to remain in her parent’s care and made an application to the Court of Protection (COP). The COP subsequently decided that Alex should be required to move into a residential home in her best interests. Ahead of the move Alex’s parent attempted to end Alex’s life and their own life, fortunately both Alex and her parent survived.
The learning briefing identifies important learning and key areas for further improvement, and we will now be working with partner agencies to share and embed this learning within respective organisations and to deliver improvements in the key areas identified. We expect the learning from this SAR to bring about positive change and improvements in:
- Understanding the adult in the context of their family
- Responding to neglect within a family setting
- Safely managing and escalating different professional views about risk
- Support for practitioners working on complex cases involving court processes
- Use of statutory advocacy in hearing the voice of the adult
The HSAB and partner agencies have begun work on the action plan and HSAB will seek assurance that positive improvements are achieved.
A decision not to publish the SAR has been taken with the family, in respect of their wishes.
Graham Allen
Hampshire Safeguarding Adult Board Chair.