Safeguarding Concerns eLearning

The purpose of this multi-agency framework is to support the decision making and
reporting of adult safeguarding concerns, in order to impact positively on outcomes for
people with a need for care and support, who are at risk of or experiencing abuse or

This framework sits alongside the Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy, Process and
Guidance 2020 and draws on the Care Act 2014 and accompanying statutory guidance
and connects to the LGA and Adass framework ‘Making decisions on the duty to carry out
safeguarding enquiries’ here.

Key Points

What supports this framework, is practice that promotes:
• personalised approaches which balance well-being with safety and prevention
• engagement with the adult about how best to respond to their safeguarding
situations in a way that enhances their involvement, choice, and control
• an adult’s rights, ensuring that those who lack mental capacity (as well as those
who have capacity) are empowered and included within safeguarding support
• empowering people so that they are partners in understanding and managing risk in
their own lives
• an emphasis on the need for transparency and openness in managing conflicting
outcomes (both of the adult and between the adult and professional organisations)
• the role of advocacy in all of the above.