Safeguarding Adult Reviews

What is a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR)?

A safeguarding adult review is a statutory review set out in The Care Act 2014 Section 44 which are carried out when the Board knows or suspects that an adult with care and support needs, living in the Hampshire area, has died or has been significantly harmed as a result of abuse or neglect and there is reasonable cause for concern about how the SAB, members of it or other persons with relevant functions worked together to safeguard the adult. The purpose of a safeguarding adult review is to identify learning and apply this learning to achieve positive change.

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB – SAR Easy Read 

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB – SAR Guidance for families

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB – Information for Families about Bereavement Support

The video below provides an overview of the HSAB Safeguarding Adult Review Process:


How are SARs managed in Hampshire?

Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board has produced a policy on conducting Safeguarding Adults Reviews. This is designed to assist when deciding whether to refer a case for consideration and to understand the SAR process. Further guidance and tools can be found in the SAR Toolkit section. The HSAB Learning and Review Subgroup coordinate and maintain oversight of all SAR activity. The Terms of Reference for this group can be viewed below.

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB Safeguarding Adult Review Policy

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB Learning and Review Subgroup TOR March 2023


The SAR Toolkit

This section contains guidance and tools to support practitioners, partners and independent reviewers through the SAR process. These tools will up updated when required so it is important to revisit this page to ensure the current guidance and tools are being used.

icn_doc HSAB – Safeguarding Adult Review Referral Form

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB – Scoping information request

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB – Scoping information request (Example)

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB – Scoping information request (GP example)

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB Safeguarding adult review Terms of Reference

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB IMR guidance for completion

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB IMR structure

icn_doc HSAB IMR action plan template

icn_doc HSAB IMR Chronology of Involvement

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB SAR overview report structure

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB SAR executive summary guidance

icn_doc HSAB Short SAR template

icn_doc HSAB SAR merged chronology template

icn_doc HSAB SAR action plan template


Hampshire’s Published SARs

This section contains safeguarding adult reviews undertaken by the HSAB.

If you, or anyone you know, are affected by the circumstances described in these reviews there are a number of local services available that can provide you with information as well as bereavement support.  A comprehensive directory is available at Connect to Support Hampshire.

icn_web Cuckooing Thematic SAR (Katie, James and Luke) (July 2024)

icn_web George (April 2024)

icn_web Self-Neglect Gap Analysis (October 2023)

icn_web Gillian (September 2023)

icn_web Alex (June 2023)

icn_web Helen (June 2023)

icn_web Self-Neglect Thematic Review (March 2022)

icn_web Sam (March 2022)

icn_web Vicky (September 2021)

icn_web ‘Elizabeth’ (December 2020)

icn_web Ms E (April) (June 2020)

icn_web Ms D (Sasha) (May 2020) 

icn_web Mr C (December 2017)

icn_web Ms B (December 2015)

icn_web Mr A (June 2013)


Learning from Practice: Key Messages

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB Learning from practice briefing: No access Visits

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup HSAB Learning from practice briefing Applying professional curiosity


4LSAB Fire Safety Development Group – Learning Briefing 2023

The purpose of this learning briefing is to communicate to all local partner agencies the key learning from the fatal fire and near miss incidents reviewed by the FSDG identified over a 12 month period.

It is important that partner agencies review the identified learning, consider their own agency procedures and to ensure that this learning is fully embedded within their organisations, to develop internal mechanisms to identify, support and effectively manage fire risk for all individuals across the 4LSAB area.

HSAB - Report of the Workforce Subgroup FSDG Learning Briefing 2023


National Safeguarding Adults Reviews

SCIE have developed a national safeguarding adult review library with an aim to maximise the value of individual SARs through two different kinds of resource. One will support the quality of individual SARs and the other will enable more widespread and effective use of the learning from SARs. It is free to register with SCIE to access this library.

icn_web National Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) Library