The Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) has today published an independent gap analysis Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) into the circumstances surrounding three individual cases of self-neglect which resulted in the deaths of those involved.
Firstly, the HSAB would like to express its sincere condolences to each of the individual’s families. The HSAB would also like to acknowledge the input from partner agencies and practitioners who have, where possible, shared the views of the individuals.
The purpose of this gap analysis SAR was to gain any new learning and identify how agencies are working together and with individuals now in relation to the themes found in the self-neglect thematic review published in March 2022. A number of learning points have been identified, along with acknowledgement of progress in some areas of practice.
Relevant agencies will now develop actions to address the learning and continue to strive for positive change for the adults we support. Progress will be reviewed and monitored by the Board.
Graham Allen
Hampshire Safeguarding Adult Board Chair.
Self-Neglect Gap Analysis Safeguarding Adult Review (October 2023)