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Involvement of service users

The HSAB aims to promote the involvement and contribution of service users on the Board and its activities.  We continue to explore a range of approaches to achieve meaningful engagement of service users to ensure that the work of the Board is informed and shaped by the voice of service users.



Membership includes core members, as identified through the Care Act 2014,  and associate members who are invited on to the HSAB in order to enhance multi-agency working. Membership is as follows:


Independent Scrutineer 

  • Independent Scrutineer



  • Chair from Core Membership Agencies


Support to the HSAB

  • Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board Manager
  • Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board Business Manager
  • Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board Team



  • Hampshire County Council Adults Health and Care
  • Hampshire Constabulary
  • Integrated Care Board
  • Advocacy organisation
  • Carer organisation
  • Care Quality Commission
  • Citizens Advice Hampshire
  • Community Safety Partnerships (County & District/Borough Councils)
  • Department of Work and Pensions
  • Executive Member – Hampshire County Council
  • Hampshire County Council Children’s Services
  • Hampshire County Council Learning Disability and Mental Health
  • Hampshire County Council Public Health
  • Hampshire, Southampton and IOW Fire and Rescue Service
  • HealthWatch
  • HM Prison Service
  • Housing Provider representatives
  • Inclusion Hampshire
  • Independent care providers (Hampshire Care Association)
  • National Probation Service (South Central)
  • NHS Trusts (Acute, Community, Mental Health, Ambulance)
  • Portsmouth Diocese
  • Service user representatives
  • South Central Ambulance Service
  • Winchester, District and Borough Councils