Safeguarding Adult Lead (SAL) Network Area
This area of the website has been set up specifically for nominated Safeguarding Adult Leads (SAL). It contains a wide range of practice guidance and tools to support the SAL in their role.
The SAL takes the lead on safeguarding for their organisation and should be:
- Someone with authority in the group such as a manager or team leader
- A paid member of staff if possible
- Checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
- Have at least two references which are followed up.
Responsibilities of the SAL can be viewed in the HSAB Safeguarding Adult Lead Role Profile.
It is not the responsibility of the SAL to decide whether a person has been abused or not – that is the responsibility of statutory agencies such as adult social care or the police. However keeping adults safe is everybody’s business and all staff should know who to go to and how to report any concerns they may have about an adult being harmed or at risk of being harmed.
The HSAB SAL Network has members from all the following areas:
- Advocacy
- Care Agencies
- Care Homes
- Charity Organisations
- District and Borough Councils
- Faith Groups and Local Diocese
- Housing Agencies
- Local Government
- Other 3rd Sector Organisations
- 4LSAB Safer Recruitment Guidance (June 2023)
- HSAB Safeguarding-Adult Lead Role Profile
- HSAB Organisational Safeguarding Self Audit Action Plan Template
- HSAB Organisational Safeguarding Audit Tool (Voluntary and independent sector version)
- HSAB Guidance on writing a Safeguarding Adult Policy
- HSAB Care Act 2014 Implementation Top 20 Checklist
- SHIP 4LSAB Multi-Agency Learning and Development Guidance for Safeguarding Adults – November 2020