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Modern Slavery and PREVENT

Guidance on Modern Slavery

The Government has issued new guidance on Modern Slavery. The guidance can be found here:


HSAB Guidance on Modern Slavery


Local Authority guidance on Modern Slavery

The purpose of this guide is to increase awareness of modern slavery and provide clarity for councils their role in tackling it. Whilst it has been produced specifically for Local Authorities, the guidance will also be helpful for a wider range of partners. It should be read in conjunction with other resources designed to help stop slavery.


The Medaille Trust – support for women who have been victims of modern slavery across Hampshire

The Medaille Trust that supports women who have been effected by trafficking, exploitation and Modern Slavery across Hampshire called The Moving On Project.

They provide tailored one-to-one long term support to those who might not otherwise have access to modern slavery support services such as the NRM and outreach support.  They aim to help women reduce their vulnerability to abuse, violence and exploitation, and move on positively with their lives in the community.  They also seek to support survivors pursue judicial outcomes against their perpetrators by supporting them throughout the legal process.  See more information about the Medaille Trust and how to make a referral in the document below.


Modern Slavery Protocol for Local Authorities

Please find links to the newly published Modern Slavery Protocol for Local Authorities. These resources have been produced to help improve the Local Authority’s response to human trafficking and modern slavery, in particular the identification and support offered to adult survivors. The guidance provides non-prescriptive steps to follow when a potential victim of human trafficking or modern slavery is identified. It should be adapted to each local authority’s internal structures.


Modern Slavery Partnership

The Modern Slavery Partnership for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is a multi-agency partnership. It is chaired and facilitated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). Governance is provided to the Modern Slavery Partnership from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police Local Criminal Justice Board.

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Modern Slavery Partnership has launched its strategy to tackle Slavery in Hampshire, IOW, Portsmouth and Southampton:

This updated strategy has been written in line with key learning from our Partners as well as the Government’s Modern Slavery Strategy and the new priorities of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.  It sets out our commitments in relation to improving the identification of and support for victims of modern slavery, to actively seek out intelligence in order to to catch offenders, and working together to increase prosecutions.


Stop the Traffick

STOP THE TRAFFIK was founded in 2005 as a coalition campaigning to bring an end to human trafficking worldwide.

Prevent is the name given to a national strategy which aims to stop people from becoming violent extremists or supporting terrorism. Channel is the process that supports people at risk of being drawn towards terrorism or violent extremism.

Prevent aims to deal with all forms of extremism including Far Right racist extremism, animal rights extremism and religious extremism.

Signs of possible radicalisation:

  • Notable changes in behaviour/mood
  • May begin to express extreme political or radical views
  • Appear increasingly sympathetic to terrorist acts
  • Appearance may change
  • Friends may change and may spend excess time on their own or on the internet

By raising your concerns and making a referral, you can help someone who you believe is at risk of radicalisation get support, and can prevent them becoming involved in potentially violent activities, long before any criminal activity occurs.

For more information about PREVENT please visit the PREVENT partnership Board website here:



The Prevent Toolkit has been developed to support professionals working with children and adults in Hampshire who may be at risk of, or are, being groomed for radicalisation.

The toolkit was developed in response to a request made by multi-agency professionals for more information on potential signs and vulnerabilities of radicalisation and wanting to better understand the processes and procedures in place to support young people.

Within the toolkit you will find policies and procedures, as well as resources you can use within your teams. Links to organisations who provide support are also included.


Hampshire PREVENT and Autism Strategic Plan

The purpose of this Prevent Strategy is to provide a framework which ensures the organisations that are members of the Prevent Partnership Boards are able to meet their responsibilities to equip people to work effectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults in relation to Prevent.